Relax Yourself With TweetLater
This applications is for lazy people( even I too come in this category ), those who don’t have much time to take care of their account. TweetLater will automate your twitter experience and relieve you from a lot of burden. This application will make you to automatically
- Send a custom welcome message to those who follow you .
- Automatically follow those who follow you.
- Automatically Un-follow those who un-follow you.
- Automatically send you a summary of all the mails you received in your twitter account.
To do this , just sign up to TweetLater and create a free account. The site also offers a premium account ( but much of your task is over with your free account ).
How It Works:
When you add your account, you won’t see any new followers being processed for eight hours. New followers mean folks who’ve followed you since the last time they took a snapshot of your list of followers. They take the first snapshot when you add your account there. Hence, eight hours from now, they will process all the folks who followed you between now and then.
So go ahead and automate your twitter .
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