Get Fast Profile Links in Orkut
Orkut is India’s most widely used Social Networking site. I also use to log in to my orkut account daily, but I found interface of orkut is lacking some fast navigation links in it. So, I searched for it, “How to speedily navigate to Someone’s Scrapbook”. And I found amazing Greasemonkey script for it…. You can use this script if you have Firefox web browser with Greasemonkey add-on installed in it. Just follow these steps, to get fast profile links, like shown in Image…
- Click here to download Firefox Web Browser
- Click here to install Greasemonkey
- Click here to get Fast Profile Links userscript
Now, after installing above, when you will open Orkut, you will be getting links like [S A M V].
- S stands for Scrapbook
- A stands for Album
- M stands for Message
- V stands for Videos