Save Any Online File Easily On DropBox

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Most of you might already know about Dropbox, the online file web hosting service that lets you save your files on the cloud so that you can access them anytime anywhere.The service is very easy to use extremely helpful in case you need all your files with you all the times.

There might have been times when you tried to save an online file on Dropbox but the slow internet speed had got your wrath. An important point to notice is why should you suffer to transfer an online document which might be an email attachment or a file that you just found Googling, to another online server. With this article we bring to you two major methods to help you save online files and documents to your dropbox account without having to first download them to your PC. We will cot off the roll your internet connection played and help you achieve your work in much lesser time removing the time required to download and then upload the document.

1.  CloudSave

Download this chrome application to save time while uploading online files directly to your DropBox folder.
Click here to install the extension (for Google Chrome)


After the extension has been successfully installed just try and uplaod anyfile to your DropBox account by simply right clicking on the desired file and choosing Cloudsave>Dropbox



2. URL Droplet

URL Droplet is another such service that lets you save online files directly to dropbox. For this to work you need to just visit the URL Droplet website, paste the file link into the box provided and then sign in with your DropBox details.

Allow URLDroplet to access your DropBox account by clicking on Allow on the next screen.

URLDroplet_2tada!, your document will now automatically be synched with your DropBox account saving a lot of your time.
