
Capture Your World in 3D: Microsoft Photosynth

Available for iPhone, Microsoft’s Photosynth is powerful application that uses your phone camera and a bit of processing to generate 3D panorama of the view that you are experiencing. The application interface is simple, it requires you to click a number of photographs in well guided manner with different zoom levels thought the process. Photosynths give an exact idea of the scene in full 360° view without you being actually there.

There’s No Way: “How To See Who Viewed Your Profile” Beware!

You get a event invite on facebook that claims at telling you a way out for seeing who all viewed your profile. The topic is tempting, after all who wouldn’t like to count the number of boys/girls visiting her/his profile. May be that guy is your ex-boyfriend or even your old boss who’s still stalking you for what you have been doing. Recently Mark Zuckerberg’s facebook profile was hacked, and now this.

WhatsApp – Yet Another Instant Messaging App

WhatsApp Messenger is an internet based mobile device application that allows you to exchange messages among other WhatsApp users. WhatsApp mobile messenger currently works on iPhone, BlackBerry, Android and Nokia s60 devices. Since the reception is based on your existing data plan that you use for browsing the web, exchanging short messages is virtually free. If the chatting feature doesn’t impress you, don’t worry iPhone, Android and BlackBerry WhatsApp Messenger users can exchange unlimited images, video and audio media files amongst each other, now thats cool.

Shareaholic – Sharing Integrated With Browsing

Recently we discussed about Rockmelt, a web browser that integrates with your facebook and twitter accounts and makes sharing easy, but for those of you who are in pure love with their cute browsers and those who would like to adopt RockMelt only after there are no more bugs left, we have just found something great and interesting. <span class="fullpost"></p> Shareholic, the simplest way to share something online, might it be an article, or an image or the webpage you are working on with friends on digg, del.

Share Your Internet – Make Your Own Personal WiFi Hot Spot

<img title="Share Your Internet" style="display: block; float: none; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto" alt="Share Your Internet" src="" /> Gone are those days when bulky net adapter were required to connect your different computers with a single network. Now, if one of your computers(or MAC) is connected with a wired or wireless network and you wish to connect it with other computers wirelessly, here is the solution. Create an ad-hoc network Creating and computer to computer network in Windows Vista and 7 is very easy.

RockMelt – Share Your World Around

Its not just another web-browser that claims to be faster and safer, its build for sharing, based on Chromium (the open source project used in Google Chrome). The catch, it integrates your regular cyberspace and social media interactions. RockMelt makes sharing and chatting easier with an optional facebook sidebar on the left hand side of the browser. It integrates with twitter as well. The latest youtube app makes it possible to watch YouTube videos right there.

NetWorx – Free Bandwidth Monitoring and Usage Reporting

NetWorx is a very simple and powerful tool that keeps an eye on all your network connections in live time. The software enables you to check your network speed, your internet traffic details and much more. <span class="fullpost"></p> It has very exciting feature with which you can add custom alerts that notifies you with visuals and popping sounds whenever there’s an unusual activity which might be due to unauthorized usage on your network, due to malicious software like Trojans or when you exceed your bandwidth limit.

Make Stats interesting, present like Hans Rosling

Stats were always boring during a presentation but have you ever heard or watched Hans Rosling, the Swedish statistician and co-founder of the Gapminder which developed the software Trendalyzer (about which we will talk later in this post). I advice you first watch this video to have an impression on how he talks and what makes him different as a speaker. Now let us discuss why is he so popular and how can you probably be like him.

Crack GRE – The Smart Way

Preparing for GRE was never an easy task but who said it can’t be fun.Today we will tell you about, an interactive method to learn for international tests like GRE, GMAT, TOEFL, LSAT and many more like them. The concept involves creating notes(or flashcards as they call it), learning them by reading and listening and then testing in a real simple and organized manner. There are millions of existing flashcards(thanks to the users who discovered the website before us :P) ready for learning.

Astrobix–Online Astrology

Worried about your future…? If you are looking for an astrologer, it is better to get things done online. Astrobix provides you with online astrological services. They provide you free astrological charts and predictions based on multiple systems like Vedic Astrology, Marriage astrology, Yearly astrology, Lal Kitab, Krishnamurthy, Jaimini, Daily astrology, Muhurtha, Prashna, etc… It is the only website in world which reports in 10 languages, so now you can get the ancient Vedic astrology based results in your own mother tongue, results are so easy to understand.