
BatteryCare for your Laptop Battery

Battery Care is an alternate to power icon in taskbar, for Windows. Battery care shows up percentage of battery remaining and estimated time remaining according to statistical data. It also shows up CPU temperature. It is also light weight on system, and installer is just of 619 KB. It requires MS .NET framework 2 to be installed to run it on Windows OS. You can download this small piece of software, and optimize your battery’s performance by visiting its official site[…] Technorati Tags: BatteryCare,Laptop

Learn Strategy with Strat.In

As they say,Strat.In stands for Strategy Invented, Strategy Indianized, Strategizing!. I recently came across this site and was amazed by how they carry the things. They put in a lot of effort to discuss the management and the strategy involved by companies in Indian market. So for those who are aspiring for MBA, this would be an icing on the cake. They make the things so simple and put forward in such a way that one can’t resist himself from finishing the article that one has started.

Google Talk Services Review

There are many ways, using which you can access your Google Talk account. These might be using a mobile wapsite like ebuddy, or might be using a mobile application like MGtalk. On desktop it can be accessed via default Google Talk client, using any Jabber client or by use of some web application like iGoogle, Orkut, GMail, Google Talk Gadget, Developer Sand box etc. Check out how I use to access my Google Talk account, according to my preferences- If you are unable to view my Google Talk Services Review, then visit https://bit.

Autocopy Add-on

Whenever you prepare for a presentation or report, you Google it, copy from different sources and then paste it. It took a considerable amount of time to copy and paste the data if you have large number of sources. Also it would be a great help for bloggers .Select text on any web page and it will be automatically copied to the clipboard. It works in much the same way as does Trillian or mIrc.

Web’s Most Dangerous Search Terms

Now whenever you search for Katrina or Shahid Kapoor, just beware as you might be inviting some of the blacklisted anti-viruses to your computer. According to a search conducted by Mc Afee , these two keywords are the very harmful in India. McAfee searched for more than 2,600 popular keywords. For each keyword, they examined the first five pages of results across each of five major search engines. On average, each keyword generated a little more than 250 results.

Study Smart …Study Blue

Now you can easily share all your ideas, lecture notes, flash cards and all other sort of things that you require for your studies is an online academic network available to students and teachers at both high schools and colleges. The Web service provides a variety of study and organizational aids, course management features, academic networking capabilities and other functions to assist students in improving their academic performance and help them study more efficiently.

Type in Indian Languages, anywhere…

Now, you can type in Indian Languages****, ****any where over internet, like creating a message, writing an email or while using Gtalk. Google Translation team has come up with easy to use bookmarklets, based on Google Translation API. Supported languages include Arabic, Bengali, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Nepali, Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu and Urdu. It is very easy to use a bookmarklet, just drag and drop it to bookmarking bar, like shown here   Now, whenever you will click this bookmarklet, all text box on that page will be able to accept input in your language.

Simple Grey Blogger Template

After working on, learning web designing for last few days. I am up with my first blogger template which is inspired by free CSS layout at Templatemo. Now, I can also convert Wordpess template to Blogger xml templates. Here are some of the features of my first blogger template, Simple Grey. Customize site logo by replacing the image address in template. Elegant background. Featured post with Image on every page.

Create Your Online Card

You don’t need to master any html or photoshop ( leave them for the nerds). You just have to work smart not hard and in few easy steps, you will be having your own Card and that too absolutely free. Make your “tiny” portfolio online in which you’ll be able to integrate your networks (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc.), a little about you and how to contact you. Choose between many nice skins and features Here is look at my Card.

Keep An Eye On Your Tweets

You are running a site and you want to know all those people who are linking to your site and are constantly tweeting your website. With BackTweets you can easily monitor all those who are linking to your site. How can these be helpful to you ? Well here are the answers : Connect With Your Fans: Now if you know who are the ones who are tweeting your posts, you can easily start building a relations with them.