There are times when you calculate how long it would take you to buy a certain desire or go for a holiday, but going undertaking all your expenses, savings and earnings manually can be a tedious job. So here we are with a solution that will help you solve your problems by doing all the math for you.
Grndctrl is a free to use web application that undertakes all your expenses and earnings and lets you add your rewards to your wish lists.
For those you who ever tried to learn a new foreign language might probably know how difficult it is to get your hands clear on that. But how about getting that from a native speaker, someone who is fluent in that and that too for free.
Verbling is a a free to use web service that connects you to someone that might help you. This is how it works, you need to sign up for the service and add the languages that you speak natively and the ones that you wish to learn.
A full fledged security system might cost you thousands of bucks, how about using your computer’s webcam as an efficient security measure. Here is a free to use web service that lets you use your webcam as a security camera that monitors all action in display.
Cammster allows you to record all action in front of your webcam and notifies you of any unusual activity via email.
You all might have your personal LinkedIn profiles and you probably know that is a highly useful network for professionals, But one thing it certainly lacks, a visual appeal. Here is a free to use web service that lets you do create a beautiful resume out of your LinkedIn profile.
The website automatically imports most of the information from your LinkedIn profile, after you authorize your account. All you need to do is authorize some permissions for the website to import your experience, name, jobs, etc.
Clearly, this post here is for the grown ups, those proud moms and dads out there. Your “Baby’s First” is something you want to cherish forever, like his/her first word, the first walk, all those little stories that you want to keep with you and share with the world. Here we are, with a wonderful web service that lets you do the same in a beautiful and graceful way.
Here’s is a free webs service that helps you sort all the movies that you have ever watched, rate them and then share with your friends. You can create an organized list, rank your favourite movie and publish them on a unique URL.
To get started, all you need to do is sign up for a new account, and start adding movies to your “” list. you can search for movies using the keyword search box provided or you can also browse for different movie, sorted according to their genre.
Here we are, with a website that lets you search for Google+ users with ease. FindPeopleOnPlus is kind of an online directory where you can find people profiles on Google+. Additionally all the profiles are sorted on the basis of a number of parameters that will help you make your search easier.
Along with the basic keyword search, the website offers numerous filters and parameters to sort your search results.
There might have bee times when you want to read books in your Kindle library without your actual Kindle device. Here is an alternative for you if you use Google Chrome, Firefox or Safari with a web service called Kindle Cloud Reader.
Kindle Cloud Reader is a free developed by Amazon itself that gives you access to your Kindle Library online.Currently the app works with Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari and iPad devices, You can also download your books for offline reading and add new books to your library.
According to Wikipedia, “Usenet is a worldwide distributed Internet discussion system”. In today’s world when the internet is no more a reliable source of information and no options to validate the authenticity of the information provided, UseNet or User Networks tend to be an efficient method to share and discuss about the information you really care about. The Usenet is a worldwide exchange network where you can discuss your part of information and share media with people of common interests.
What’s the secret of success of all the major companies ? It is the ability of their management to use their resources completely and efficiently. The management has to manage all the tasks and issues well enough to be able to take a lead in the market. I was searching for a project management software that would help me to achieve this and I found probably the best software available, the Comindware Tracker.